Over the coming weeks we’re sharing the 39 stories of our 2022 Rainbow Grants recipients! All of these deserving projects are receiving critical grant funding as a result of your generous donations to Community One Foundation. Read more and support these projects where you can! If you’d like to see more work like this supported in our community, please consider donating to Community One!
FOUNDATION GRANT (available for up to $7,500 and are open to registered charities or groups trusteed by a registered charity)
Street artist Monica Wickeler has teamed up with Scarborough Arts to bring this LGTBQ2+project to East Toronto.
A series of workshops will be held at Scarborough Arts, inviting LGTBQ2+ Youth, to create/participate in a mural jamLEARNING. Mentored by Monica Wickeler and youth-artist FP MONKEY, the muralJAM will take place at the West-Scarborough-Neighborhood-Community-Center in July/August 2022.
Scarborough of East Toronto is notorious for not having safe community spaces for LGTBQ2+ youth.
Shown by the high demand for programs at the Scarborough Arts EAST H.E.A.R.T program, and the drop-in at Toby’s Place the need for LGBTQ2+ programming in the greater Golden Mile area is high. This LGTBQS2+ Youth mural project will target LGBTQ2S+ youth of all diverse backgrounds including youth who identify as Black, Indigenous or people of colour, ages 14-20. Queer Creative folk including Black, Indigenous, and people of colour (ages 14-20) will have the opportunity to: learn the skill of creating a public art installation concept for the final mural, be supported in discovering a message they would like to share with the community, and experience how their message can have an impact on their communities.