Success Story: Inside Out
The annual Toronto Inside Out Film Festival wrapped in June, with another stellar lineup giving voice to queer storytelling and sharing LGBTQ+ experiences from around the world. But once the red carpet is rolled up, Inside Out does not simply disappear – the 28-year-old charity manages a multitude of programs aimed at developing […]
Read more...Success Story: Black Lives Matter – Toronto Freedom School
These Facebook posts will be five years old this July, a span that can seem remarkably short considering all that has happened between these historic messages and the rise of Black Lives Matter, the now-international grassroots movement fighting anti-Black racism and demanding transformation in the treatment of Black communities. Activists janaya khan […]
Read more...How do we choose who gets Rainbow Grants?
Every year Community One Foundation gives out tens of thousands of dollars in grants to LGBTTIQQ2S initiatives right across the GTA. You likely already knew that – as a writer for Community One, I mention it every chance I get. Did you see our summer newsletter? It’s there. New information booklet? Noted. How about on […]
Read more...2018 Rainbow Grants Ceremony at The 519
On May 31, 2018, Community One Foundation honoured this years Rainbow Grant recipients with funding for their all-important projects in the areas of health, social services, research, education, advocacy, arts and culture. Hosted at The 519, the ceremony also featured performances by recording artists Cory Stewart and Tessa Gooden, and a panel discussion with some […]